
Jyeshtha Nakshatra is the 18th Nakshatra mentioned in the Vedic Astrology and resides within the constellation of Scorpio. It has a span of 16°40′ to 30°00′ Scorpio. Jyeshtha translates to “The Eldest” or the “Senior most”. The star is thus, often associated with seniority. The symbol used for representing this star is an earring or sometimes, the disc of Lord Vishnu.

Lord Indra, the ruler of the gods, is the presiding deity of Jyeshtha Nakshatra. This bestows the people born under this star with the capabilities for great achievements. Nonetheless, they must win the battle within their minds and rule over self-doubt. Only then, do they come out victorious and are able to yield the powers responsibly. The symbol of Jyeshtha, the earring, signifies protective and mental aptitude. The natives of Jyeshtha will defend the vulnerable and work towards the protection of the underprivileged. The ruling deity, Lord Indra, brings courage and bravery for those born under this star. This is sometimes, accompanied by overconfidence and ego.

The controlling planet of Jyeshtha is Mercury. The natives of this star imitate the natural tendencies of Rakshasa clan. Hence, they should be careful not to be over driven by the need of recognition, as they value fame to a great extent & are likely to go to extreme limits to achieve that fame. Alongside, the people born under Jyeshtha also value generosity and charity. They are compassionate towards the weaker sections of the society and work wholeheartedly towards their uplifting. Their brilliant and cheerful persona makes them virtuous, with a small but faithful friend circle. The natives of Jyeshtha Nakshatra rarely join large groups for outings.

Natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra usually mature earlier than many other nakshatra types and this maturity is associated with physical as well as mental plane. Jyeshtha natives are wise and they are capable of making their decisions based on wisdom and they also have the ability to separate right from the wrong. Jyeshtha natives are usually very concerned about how they are perceived by the other people and to maintain their status and image in the society around them is important to them. These natives take special care to make sure that their public image and reputation is good and clean even though they may be involved in some wrong deeds. Jyeshtha natives are good at hiding their inner feelings and their intentions and they are also good at acting or projecting themselves to be someone they are not. Many politicians of today’s world are under the strong influence of this nakshatra and as a result they are very well capable of keeping their public image clean. Such politicians are perceived to be very good, serving and having good characters by their public whereas in actual practice, they may be just the opposite of their public image. The power and status associated with these politicians again confirms the point that Jyeshtha is a nakshatra which blesses its natives with power and authority of some kind. On the other hand some Jyeshtha natives can actually have a good character and they may live up to their public image but Jyeshtha natives are good at keeping their image clean whether they are actually clean or not. Some Vedic astrologers consider this nakshatra as one of the most shrewd and manipulative nakshatra among all 27 nakshatras.

Interests and Careers:

  • Self-employment, management
  • Military leadership
  • Music, dance, modeling
  • Police detective work
  • Engineering
  • Intellectualism, philosophy

Health Issues:

Ailments like pain in the joints, cough and colds, sleeplessness, genital organs, ovaries, muscular problems, neck pain, ear aches, stomach trouble, and breast cancer.

Location – 16.40 Scorpio to 30.00 Scorpio

Ruler – Mercury

Symbol – Amulet

Deity – Indra

Varna – Servant

Alphabets – No, Ya, Yi, Yu

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